Anyone that has suffered from shoulder pain such as "Frozen Shoulder" (adhesive capsulitis) will know that the pain can be debilitating and at times dam right depressing. Sleepless nights, no longer being able to lay on one side, minimal range of movement in the shoulder and the arms, and in severe cases no movement at all. Putting a jacket on or trying to wave down a cab can seem like a major effort and a very painful one at that.
Speaking from experience after suffering shoulder dislocation through a Motorcycle incident and also through over load and RSI as an ex semi pro Body-Builder, I have had my fair share of shoulder pain. At one point in my life I could not move my arm for over 7 weeks as the Rotator Cuff muscles and Deltoids had all stuck together. I had tears and impingement's + muscle wasting caused by ignoring the warning signs such as spasms and neuromuscular activity (shimmering and wave like movements of the tissue), these are early signs that things are not as they should be. Sometimes you can get a clear dent in an area of the shoulder where chronic atrophy has set in, normally its very common for this to appear in the medial head of the Deltoids (middle of the shoulder). I managed to free my shoulder over a period of time and due to my personal experience of such frustration and pain I have devoted a great deal of my learning's into helping people regain full range of movement in their shoulders over a set and realistic period of time. If you think back to when your shoulder pain started it would normally be some time ago, many people I see tell me they have had pain for over 20 years and that they have struggled on. Lovely senior citizens that have struggled with their daily chores plus many Lorry Drivers and Painters and Decorator's who have suffered in silence until arriving at my door-step after. Its a real shame the Lorry Drivers never leave their Yorkie Bars in my clinic..:)
So how is it done you may ask and what causes this thorn in your side, sorry that should be shoulder! :)
Most "Frozen Shoulders" are caused by either trauma, post surgery recovery, internal scar tissue, injury, RSI, or general lack of use. It is rare for both shoulders to be frozen but of-course this can sometimes be the case. This pathology can take many years to develop or as mentioned it could be the result of a sudden blow to the shoulder where a fall has occurred or maybe a sudden impact (I never mentioned Clint Eastwood). This can cause strains, tears, and RSI "Repetitive Strain Injury" which can lead to the muscles and ligaments wasting away, otherwise known as "Atrophy".
Where there is overuse there is normally inflammation caused by swelling, where there is swelling there is a certain decrease in range of movement allowing the healing process to take place, plus an increase in fluid around the joint capsule. Fascia within and surrounding the muscle compartments and ligaments can start to fuse and stick together, this was the structural change I was talking about earlier although I use the word structural in fairly loose terms as it is reversible. You start to change your body mechanics and posture in order to support the weak areas of the shoulder, avoiding pain when you can and this causes referred pain throughout the body.
If you like this Blog and would like to here more, please "Like it" where ever you can and I will resume with how to help treat this complaint in my next Blog, its now bed time!!!!!
Take care everyone, sweet dreams from